02 February 2019

Ant Middleton's Story

No one is born a leader. But through sheer determination and by confronting life's challenges, Ant Middleton has come to know the meaning of true leadership. In First Man In he shares the core lessons he's learned over the course of his fascinating, exhilarating life.

After 13 years' service in the military, with four years as a Special Boat Service (SBS) sniper, Ant Middleton is the epitome of what it takes to excel.

In this fascinating, exhilarating and revealing book, Ant speaks about the highs and gut-wrenching lows of his life - from the thrill of passing Special Forces Selection to dealing with the early death of his father and ending up in prison on leaving the military - and draws valuable lessons that we can all use in our daily lives.

Ant Middleton Gets Stuck Alone In a Life-Threatening Storm

First Man In: Leading from the Front (Audiobook)

31 January 2019

"Rich people focus on opportunities.
Poor people focus on obstacles.
Rich people see potential growth.
Poor people see potential losses.
Rich people focus on the rewards.
Poor people focus on the risk."

T. Harv Eker

26 January 2019

TRUMP: Think Like a Billionaire


Regardless of your political position, if you really want to think and act like a billionaire then you have to read, listen and learn from Donald Trump.

If you really want to be successful doing business and be rich, you have to be open-minded and be willing to learn from those who already made it.

This invaluable audio material will give you the wisdom, insight, and tips to model your mentality and personality to succeed in business or in any endeavor you have in plans.

23 January 2019

Wealth Principle:
"Rich people are bigger than their problems.
Poor people are smaller than their problems."

The number one reason why people are not taking actions and commit to being rich is that "getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It is a journey that is full of twists, turns, detours, and obstacles. The road to wealth is fraught with traps and pitfalls, and that's precisely why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches, and the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.

T. Harv Eker

15 January 2019


TONY ROBBINS: Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

The first thing you need to learn and teach to your kids is "you never earn the way to freedom"

"96% of all the mutual funds never match the market, they never beat the market... that means 4% succeed. What are the chances to pick the right mutual fund?"

"The secret to wealth is gratitude"