31 December 2018


Today is the new day of the rest of your life. Here in "Mastering the Way to Wealth" we have the commitment to claim for the prize that belongs to us.

The reward is just right there on the horizon waiting for us. I see it happening. But we have to commit in walking together all the way.

Together we are stronger. You are not alone on this journey, we are a community to support each other. We are a community to with ONE firm, solid, clear vision and goal: To become wealthiest and abundant.

Join us if you want to transform your life. I will share with you my story. Perhaps you also have a lesson to share in this journey.

When the clock strikes the 12 Midnight today, you will feel a great relief, 2018 is gone, and we will be super excited that we have a brand new 2019 ahead to be written with our own hands.

I wish you wisdom and focus on this new year 2019.

God bless you!

Jhoan Cordoba

24 December 2018

More Action for this New Year Resolution:

With the New Year celebration, the euphoria takes control over our thoughts and memories of all the good and bad moments, achievements and disappointments, triumphs and failures, winnings and losses, happiness and sadness quick runs back and forward. The excitement of the season helps people to set New Years Resolutions, but once the cheering feeling is over, we find ourselves with lack of strength and commitment to achieve our new year's goals. Most of the people in the world failed to keep the commitments and since the day one we procrastinate and delay till is no longer relevant and another year of our life is consumed living in our comfort zone and paradigms.

Today, more than never before, we need to work on the new year resolution, but mainly in how to take action. There are thousands of articles available on the Internet on how to keep new year’s resolutions but few of them actually work and some others will take you to a result where you will be dissatisfied or in a never ended story. I believe we can take control and transform our lives and be the master of our destiny. We all have a powerful tool within us but we do not know how to use its power: the mind. But, unless we understand how our minds work and how it drives our actions and behaviors, our new year dreams and desires will never happen and more frustration and disappointment will be added to the broken promise bucket and perceived reality.

The purpose of this short article is to invite you to embark in a proven way of thinking that has helped many successful and wealthy people to transform their lives. There are good references on mindfulness and how to build a billionaire mindset. If you really want to achieve your financial goals, I highly recommend you to join a seminar on this topic, it is priceless.

I will focus today on one of the processes involved in the way our mind works, the “Beliefs”, and how this becomes the footprints of our actions and behaviors. Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny”.

Many studies and people will great stories of success agree on the following mind process. Everything starts with our belief. Our set of belief act as filters conditioning the reality we perceive and unconsciously, we generalize, delete or distort the reality. The Bible and Jesuscrist also said that we first believe, then we see. This belief determines the kind of thought we have. If I believe that “milk is the source of calcium”, the associated thought would be “the more milk I drink, the better bones I will have”. My thoughts determine my feelings and then “I need to drink milk to be healthy, strong and happy”. Therefore my decisions will be to drink milk or calcium-enriched milk every day, and my actions follow the decisions and therefore everyday people go and buy litters of milk. This is exactly the same process in relation to your money and wealth. You must review your belief sets, which were placed in our brain since childhood. Once you acknowledged the belief set in embedded in your mind, then you have to replace it with new programming; pretty much like computer software.


In the Arnold Schwarzenegger motivational video I shared before, he highlighted the importance of the “goal setting” and the “power of visualization” in working toward his dream.  Andy Harrington said in one of the seminars I attend that we must set our goals so great that become insignificant to the efforts by comparison, and I agreed. Without goals, we are leaving out mind to operate the default setup and will certainly decide on own behalf using the current belief set trying to achieve their default goal: to preserve life. But preserving life is not the right path to financial freedom, wealth and happiness. Here is where the power of visualization plays a key role in keeping yourself on the right path to achieve our goals.

Most of the successful people in the world challenge their thoughts and confront their belief. This makes a huge difference between those who remain in the same ordinary life and those who outstand in life. But then they replace it with new information and new ideas copied from other people who already succeed and became an inspiration for others. Visualization is a key technique to keep our mind focus on the reality we want in our life.

I recommend following Arnold’s secrets. Keep an image of your dream place, job or great achievement. Read a book from the successful person you want to follow and inspire you. Copy the mindset a successful person have, feel what a successful person feel and dream the dreams a success person dream. By doing this over an over again, we modify our thoughts, feelings and then the unconscious decisions and actions we make are aligned with our goals and dreams. This leaves you to positive results which increased the feedback to our new belief sets adopted.

You see, the problem with the New Year Resolution is not the resolution itself but our current default mind setting which jeopardizes our decision-making process and stops us to take actions or take wrong actions. If you want to have a real transformation in 2019, I encourage you to challenge your belief setting, feed your mind with new information to support the new belief, keep your dreams high and greats because you deserve it, define a goal for this year and reinforce it with constant visualization of that moment of you getting the prize, and do it now because the energy and atmosphere of year-end fill propel you to a new beginning.

I wish you success, happiness, wealth and a fruitful new year. This is my very best wishes for you in this Christmas time.

Jhoan Cordoba